
Friday, May 16, 2014

Kenapa Fotografi?

Aku nggak pernah tahu sejak kapan aku mulai menyukai fotografi, mungkin sejak aku mulai mengenal kamera, atau juga mungkin sejak aku memiliki kamera sendiri. hmmm, walau sebenarnya tidak murni benar-benar milikku, tetapi hasil konspirasiku bersama adikku.
Tetapi dari sekian banyak hobby, kenapa harus fotografi yang aku sukai? jawabnya aku juga tak tahu. Hanya saja mengutip kembali sebuah quotes dari novel yang aku baca, novel yang tak pernah bosan aku baca berulang-ulang yang sebentar lagi bakal difilmin, kurang lebih quotenya seperti ini :

Sunday, May 11, 2014

13 Lessons to Teach Your Child About Digital Photography

Today while sorting through some old boxes I found a photo album filled with the first ever photos that I took as a young budding photographer. I was around nine years old when I first started using our family’s film point and shoot camera and I still remember my Dad’s ‘training’ on how to use it. Basically it consisted of this advice:
‘Don’t take too many shots’
Remember, this was back in the day of film photography where film and processing costs made my Dad’s advice pretty sound. However looking back over my early images I wish he’d taught me a few other things about taking photos. Here’s some of the advice I could have benefited from hearing.

Friday, May 9, 2014

100 Things I’ve Learned About Photography

Since I found photography two and a half years ago I have learned different things which I would like to share with you today. These lessons have made me richer and I hope that you will find them refreshing and inspiring on your journey with the camera, too.

1. Never do photography to become a rock-star.
2. Enjoy what you are shooting.
3. Prepare well for your shooting, realizing that your battery isn’t charge when you’re setting up for that sunrise shoot is too late!

11 Tips for Beginner Photographers

As a new photographer, these are some of the ideas that have helped get me going. 

1. Don’t go crazy buying the most expensive equipment right away.

It’s possible to get very nice photos with an inexpensive point and shoot. See these examples on Flickr. The more photos you take, the more you’ll know about what kind of camera to get when it’s time to upgrade.

What is photography?

Photography is the artscience and practice of creating durable images by recording light or otherelectromagnetic radiation, either chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film, or electronically by means of an image sensor (Wikipedia)

Photography is art that make everyone happy, you can capture everything that you love using a camera.
To produce a good image or interesting there are several factors, the most important factor is the factor of illumination, without light or good lighting would be too difficult to produce good work, it is necessary for the second factor.


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